Tuesday, July 20, 2010

True Beauty

Is it possible to live an entire life at least a 4 year relationship with someone in your mind? I sit and think about Alyson. I don't know why, i didn't know her at all, but it seems in my mind she and i dated for years. I use it to escape reality; I imagine that i am her boyfriend and that she loves me. Deathcab comes to mind, she was my savior in many ways even though she will never know it. She pitied me in a benevolent way, as i looked up to her from the cold tile floor and the sunlight danced with the clouds purposely shining on her making her look like an apparition. Something so little i sure she doesn't remember; but to me that was a key point in my life. She showed me that there is some good in the world and not just greed and self absorption. Although she ran back to her friends she took a moment out of her life to console me. I always was searching for a person like that, at least she is what i think i was looking for, although it might be an illusion of my mind. True beauty is something hard to find, both inside and out. i have seen it and i can tell when someone has it. She had it, do you? I have enclosed some pics of people who were willing to pose who have the inner light. I hope as my friend Sinn once pointed out that when the end of this world comes the light will shine and those with it shall don their wings.
If you hold the beauty i can sense it. And i know you will go to Nirvana.

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